We create state-of-the-art learning experiences for protective services professionals and the communities they serve.


We collaboratively advance human services best practice.

Ohio’s University Consortium for Child and Adult Services (OUCCAS) is a team of professionals from three Ohio public universities and includes staff and faculty from the following programs: 

  • The School of Social Work at the University of Cincinnati
  • The Department of Social Work at Ohio University
  • The School of Social Work at the University of Akron
  • The Department of Psychology at the University of Cincinnati

Whether through program coordination, trainer pool management, instructional design, organizational development or analyzing your program’s data, OUCCAS helps optimize human service programs.


We make an impact.


We are an elite team of dedicated professionals.

OUCCAS is comprised of experts across the state, some with decades of experience, who have varied backgrounds and specialization in program structure, training modules and evaluation.