Our Team

Steven R. Howe

Co-Director – Principal Investigator, University of Cincinnati School of Psychology

Steven R. Howe is a Co-Director of OUCCAS. His work has focused on identifying and removing barriers to empowerment and success at a system level. His toolkit includes action research, demographic analysis, evaluation research, organization development, planning, policy research, and statistical modeling.

In the area of children’s services, his work before OUCCAS included evaluating the AdoptOHIO program, identifying evidence-based interventions in children’s services, evaluating permanency roundtables, collaborating with PCSAO to study caseworker capacity, and assessing the CAPMIS tools used to measure safety and risk.

Outside of children’s services, he has worked on such problems as the impact of suburbanization on central cities, barriers to career advancement for women scientists, projecting take-up rates for Medicaid expansion, and improving job retention for veterans employed by the Veterans Hospital Administration.

Howe has a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Cincinnati, where he spent his career, first at the Institute for Policy Research and later in the Department of Psychology, where he is Professor Emeritus. He was named a Fellow of the American Psychological Association in 2007.